Thursday, July 18, 2013

Lowering Blood Pressure through Simple Actions

With all of the wars and violent crime taking place in the world, it is surely surprising for most people to learn that cardiovascular disease is actually the number one cause of death for adults throughout the world. For the majority of people suffering from some form of cardiovascular disease, it is extremely common for hypertension, or high blood pressure, to be the primary cause. Subsequently, many are often surprised to learn that not are poor eating habits the main reason they have developed high blood pressure, but also that simply changing their eating habits can both treat and potentially cure this condition. In fact, lowering blood pressure rates and keeping them at healthy levels, thus reducing the threat of deadly cardiovascular diseases, really only requires practicing a few simple, daily habits.

Because nearly all cases of chronic high blood pressure are the result of eating foods that are not good for our bodies, this is definitely the main issue that must be addressed when trying to lower blood pressure levels. In this regard, since many of us develop high blood pressure from consuming too much sodium in our daily diets, you should us as little salt as possible whenever cooking or preparing your meals. Furthermore, as much as we have come to rely on pre-packaged and processed foods as major parts of our diets, just about all of these are filled with countless additives and preservatives that have been proven to be toxic to our bodies when consumed regularly. As such, not only should you get into the habit of reading food labels and learning what the ingredients actually are, you should also start using fresh foods, especially fruits and vegetables, as your primary foods.

For many decades, it has become very common for people accompany their meals with juices and soft drinks that contain many different harmful substances, including high fructose corn syrup. We rarely think about the fact that our bodies are made up of most water, and if we do not consume plenty of water in our daily diets, our bodies will surely begin to break down. A vital reason it is necessary to drink plenty of water daily is its function in flushing many different substances out of our system, perhaps most importantly the sodium we take in. Between this and generally staying hydrated, developing the daily habit of drinking more water than any other beverage will help give best blood pressure levels and, truthfully, save your life.

One other habit that should be practiced on a daily basis is engaging in regular physical exercise. Because obesity and excessive body weight is notorious for causing high blood pressure, exercising to keep your weight at healthy levels is vital. Additionally, regular exercise will help keep your body well-conditioned, which is essential for muscle and joint function, as well as that of our internal organs. Exercising on a regular basis will also keep your lungs and heart pumping well, which is fundamental for lowering blood pressure and keeping cardiovascular diseases at bay.

At all times, it is necessary for us to remember that the ailments and health conditions that we suffer from are usually the results of our own unhealthy habits, especially when it comes to high blood pressure. Therefore, lowering our diastolic blood pressure levels will simply, or not so simply, require us to change our unhealthy habits into healthy habits. To reach a point of optimal health, you should do your best to utilize as many information resources as possible, from the internet to your doctor.

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Five Tips for Lowering Your Blood Pressure

Taking a pill won't always work to lower your blood pressure. Thus, people are often searching for alternative ways to decrease their numbers. People with continually high blood pressure are known to suffer from kidney and liver problems, as well as an elevated risk for strokes and heart attacks. Thus, you must do all that you can to ensure you get your blood pressure down to a reasonable level. Below are 5 steps you can take today to start lowering your blood pressure. Don't worry, you won't have to make major changes that will leave you feeling unhappy or frustrated.

A. Reach for Dark Chocolate to Keep the Doctor at Bay

A daily dark chocolate snack will aid you in letting blood flow through vessels more freely when chocolate composites allow them to open up more. Flavonoids can aid in the expansion of blood vessels significantly, as they pack a real punch of antioxidants. You won't find a higher amount of flavonoids in any other snack or drink. Keep in mind that you must limit your consumption though in order to avoid weight gain. The cocoa in your chocolate of choice should represent seventy percent or more of the treat. If you don't like the first sample you have, sample others, as different sugar contents will alter the bitterness in each one.

Two. Put Some Potassium Back Into Your Life

To maintain supreme bodily functioning, you want to ensure that your potassium levels are in check too. This can be achieved simply by taking a potassium pill every day, but consuming your potassium in your diet is much more likely to be beneficial for you. From salmon and sardines to squashes and potatoes, you can consume potassium in your diet without having to eat foods you don't like or aren't accustomed to. Potassium supplements have shown the most impact on having normal blood pressure in African-Americans.

Three. Whittle Your Blood Pressure Away With Water

Blood pressure elevates rapidly if you are dehydrated. If you become dehydrated, your body will retain salt to attempt to retain water. Drinking water will absolutely help you to lower your blood pressure. Adding more water to your daily diet is a great way to try and get your best blood pressure levels. When high blood pressure is no longer an issue, you might find that a lot of other health problems fade along with it.

D. Inhale, Then Exhale

Taking deeper breaths has also been shown to help achieve a more stable average blood pressure. You'll likely get a lower blood pressure reading at your next doctor appointment by adhering to this tip.

Five. Go the Extra Mile

In today's society, people don't get the same kind of activity in their lives that we once did. Therefore, it is very important when trying to lower blood pressure that you boost your activity levels. Get to lower blood pressure in a natural way has never been easier with these helpful hints.

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Non-Medicinal Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a condition that effects many people. Many people find no help in the medications that are prescribed for high blood pressure. And many people prefer to avoid medication if they can and try other methods for lowering their blood pressure. High blood pressure that goes unchecked can do irreparable damage to vital organs. But you can lower your blood pressure without medication using these tips below.

Most of the time when your doctor tells you to eat something for the benefit of your health it's something you would rather not eat. But that's not the case here since dark chocolate (in small amounts) has been shown to lower blood pressure. Dark chocolate get you to average blood pressure by opening blood vessels. And you also get an extra bonus with dark chocolate because the high amounts of flavonoids in the sweet treat help positive effect on glucose.

Potassium is a mineral that is very helpful in maintaining the balance of electrolytes. While potassium is very important for good heart health research has shown that potassium can also lower blood pressure. It appears that African Americans benefit the most from potassium when it comes to high blood pressure but nearly every group of people saw some reduction in blood pressure after taking potassium. If you love bananas you are in luck as they are packed with blood pressure lowering potassium.

Drinking water is good for overall health while other drinks are high blood pressure causes. But for those with high blood pressure, drinking lots of water is crucial. When your body is dehydrated the pressure in your blood vessels increases. There is no easier way to counter high blood pressure.

Believe it or not, you are doing something right now that can lower your blood pressure. There has been recent research that suggest that slow, deep breathing can bring blood pressure down. Be sure to take a nice deep breath; feel your diaphragm and lungs expand and push out every bit off slowly. It only takes a few minutes at a time but you should practice deep breathing several times a day. Although breathing is something that comes naturally; long, deep breathing is not how we normally breathe and at first it may seem a bit strange but soon you will be feeling nice and relax.

Lastly, exercise is great for lowering blood pressure. I know the thought of hitting the gym is not very appealing but it really doesn't take much physical activity to get your blood pressure down. Walking thirty minutes a day can really make a difference. If you have been living a sedentary lifestyle, don't push it when you first start exercising. As you build up your stamina you can increase your activity level. When you hear the world exercise don't automatically think about hitting the treadmill. Dancing, rollerblading and biking are all fun ways to lower your Hypnotensi blood pressure that don't even seem like exercise.

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Lowering Your Blood Pressure with Holistic Methods

With so much publicized violence taking place in the world, it seems like most people do not realize that cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death for adults. It is fortunate, then, that more and more people are learning that hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of the primary causes of cardiovascular disease. Once they learn this fact, the majority of people have looked to their doctors in order to help lower their blood pressure, and are usually prescribed some sort of synthetic medication designed to manage the condition. However, with so many harmful side-effects resulting from these synthetic drugs, these people are increasingly coming to the awareness that using holistic methods and remedies might actually be healthier and more effective at bringing you good blood pressure.

It was really not that long ago when the majority of ailments and illnesses around the world were treated with holistic remedies made in people's own homes. As medical science and the pharmaceutical industries have evolved and gain prevalence, the vast majority of people began to abandon these holistic methods in favor of synthetic medications. Yet, pretty much all of these synthetic drugs have harmful side-effects that will end up having to be treated with additional drugs, and these have side-effects that must be treated with other drugs. Ultimately, the initial health issue is only managed, not cured, while a whole range of other issues will arise due to the synthetic drugs that are supposed to be helping.

Truthfully, if these medicines actually cured health issues, like high blood pressure, there would be many pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals going out of business. This is why it has taken so long for the majority of people to realize and remember that conditions like hypertension can be treated effectively, if not totally cured, by simply exercising and eating a diet full of essential vitamins and minerals. By consuming foods that have plenty of calcium, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium, you will be able to fairly easily bring your body back to a healthful balance. In fact, the way that humans have been able to survive for hundreds of thousands to millions of years has been by consuming foods such as these.

Whereas obesity and excessive body weight can help cause the development of high blood pressure, eating more nutritional foods will assist in losing weight, thus leading to lower blood pressure. Again, this has been proven to work more quickly and effectively when eating these kinds of foods along with exercising on a regular and consistent basis. Another crucial factor in helping you lower your blood pressure is managing and lowering your stress levels as much as possible. With even a little observation you will come to realize that high stress levels, unhealthy diets, and obesity all share a close relationship, which ultimately result in high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

In order for holistic remedies and methods to effectively lower blood pressure, and attain better health, it will require you and your family to change much of how you live your life. For the most part, it is the continuing of unhealthy habits that will keep someone unhealthy. If you are able to either change or eliminate these poor habits, you will be able to lower your blood pressure reading, while generating a more healthier lifestyle.

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Managing Your Stress Can Help Lower Blood Pressure

Although cardiovascular diseases, the number one cause of death throughout the world, can come in multiple forms, they all essentially consist of some sort of malfunction or obstruction within the heart and blood vessels. Similarly, for the majority of people, they will usually develop some sort of cardiovascular disease as a result of a hardening of their arteries, which is called atherosclerosis, or from high blood pressure, otherwise called hypertension. Although scientists are still divided over the specific factors that lead to atherosclerosis, the majority of them do agree that both this and hypertension are typically the result of consuming a generally unhealthy, nutrient-deficient diet. In nearly every single instance, someone that has kept an unhealthy diet, especially over long period of time, will also maintain a generally unhealthy lifestyle overall.

For example, the majority of people that have high blood pressure will typically consume fatty, nutrient-deficient foods, smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol excessively, and engage in little to no physical exercise. When considering those that live such unhealthy lifestyles, it is important to recognize that the vast majority of these people go through their daily lives dealing with particularly high levels of stress. Whether someone feels it is unavoidable or not, a lot of the times it will be this high degree of stress that will either instigate or influence someone to live an unhealthy lifestyle. As such, when addressing all of the factors and unhealthy lifestyle choices that lead to hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, focusing on strategies to reduce as much of this stress as possible could really prove effective.

For many people, stress caused by job issues, family issues, or even traumatic past experiences, will lead to depression and an imbalanced mental or emotional state, which then might lead to comfort eating, excessive smoking and drinking, and a lack of motivation for healthy physical activity. Therefore, managing this stress and its root causes would be a more holistic, proactive approach to lower blood pressure naturally, as this is really just a symptom of a generally unhealthy, stressful lifestyle. Obviously, it is not easy to just leave one job and get a new one, family issues will not usually be solved overnight, and past events cannot be changed at all. However, this is why the emphasis on healing and addressing all of these stress factors is on cultivating a more complete healthy lifestyle in order get the best blood pressure you wanted.

At the core of reducing all of this stress, it is important to begin building a strong physical foundation by eating more nutrient-rich foods and beginning to engage in more physical exercise. As these initial steps are likely to elevate your focus and motivation, you can then begin looking into learning deep breathing and meditation exercises, or maybe enroll in a beginners' yoga class. Setting aside time to get a massage, read a book, or even play some games and similar fun activities, will likewise help balance out and reduce the harmful stresses in your life. No matter what stress-relieving activities you end up coming across, the importance of getting enough sleep to replenish your mind and body cannot be emphasized enough.

Regardless of the impact that physical factors have on high systolic blood pressure, you should be able to effective address these by managing and reducing the amount of stress that is present in your daily life. By handling this stress and generally cultivating a healthy lifestyle, you will be able to lower your blood pressure, thus lowering your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

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